Illustrator's Gallery Posts

Illustrator's Gallery: Have You Ever Heard a Whale Exhale?
Gorgeous spreads from a new picture book that's a splash of a tale!

Illustrator's Gallery: The Dog, by Margarita Sada
The uncomplicated love and dedication of a dog can make anyone feel better.

Pictographs, by James Simon Mishibinijima
"Mishibinijima’s art reflects a lifelong search for ways in which past and present, the spiritual and human, the animate and inanimate can, and do, …

Illustrator's Gallery: Darka Erdelji
Featuring work from her new book written by Sheree Fitch, Polly MacCauley's Finest Divinest Wooliest Gift of All

Gallery: Daddy Hall by Tony Miller
A selection of linocuts from this unflinching portrait of a remarkable African-Canadian.

Illustrator's Gallery: Willow Dawson and The Wolf Birds
The Wolf-Birds takes an honest, unflinching view of survival in the wild.

Gallery: Mary Wallace and An Inuksuk Means Welcome
In this month's gallery, we feature Mary Wallace and her new book, An Inuksuk Means Welcome.